Drift into debt
More from ample code
Do you like bananas? I do – sort of. It’s more precise to say I like banana. That is, one banana, not multiple. I suspect many people are like me. We enjoy eating a banana, very few eat two bananas in a row, no-one in the history of mankind has ever eaten three. To really […]
I worry about the wasted effort, the distraction and the opportunity cost brought on by the massive AI hype wave sweeping over society. Instead of solving real problems with known solutions, we dance around to the tune of the trend goblins like so many string puppets. It’s like we’re all participating in a massively distributed […]
It’s pretty cute that self-help people have discovered exponential functions. Just improve 1% every day, and you will have improved almost 38-fold by the end of the year! Because you see, 1.01^365 is 37.78. Wow! So inspirational! But what does it mean? What does it mean for me to improve 1%? What is it that […]
This is a transcript of a talk I did at Booster 2023 in Bergen. Here’s a scene. Imagine we’re having a stand-up meeting. A stand-up meeting, as you will be aware, is a ritual where a team of software developers stands in a circle in the hope of summoning the spirit known as agility. If […]
A fundamental challenge we face as programmers is that the world is alive, but the programs we write, alas, are not. When we deploy our dead programs to operate in the living world, it presents an immediate maintenance problem. Or, if you like, a matter of keeping up appearances. In the movie Night on Earth, […]