Download Linux 64bit Windows So I actually finished Ludum Dare 33. I can’t believe how hard it was to actually make something! It continues to amaze me what fantastic stuff everyone manage to make in just 48 hours. This is what I came up with for the theme You are the Monster. Yes I couldn’t come up with a name until submission… So I just took...
If you’ve barely passed the title and you’re already seething with violent rage: This post is for you. Like medicine that smells of battery acid, this’ll taste bad and potentially kill you but you’ll feel better for it in a few days. Let it settle in for a bit, mull it over. Herein lies my argument for testing private methods within JavaScript...
How to quickly find something in a collection of items, like a list or a range? When a generator expression is a great solution, and when it's not?
I. I always thought of myself as weird. Well, not really. But when I did start thinking of myself as weird, my life improved a lot. As a kid, I struggled to conform to other’s expectations of normalcy. Everyone played fútbol during school recess, but I hated it. One of the few times I ventured to the field, a classmate accidentally kicked the...
Before I get started with this post, allow me to set the scene a little bit. I am, by no means whatsoever, an audiophile. My experience with audio equipment, especially headphones is limited to the extreme. Since I started buying iPhones I’ve been using the supplied EarPods and then the AirPods, since their introduction in 2016. I’m mentioning...
These are some of the most influential (mostly due to experience or expertise) and active folks (I actually see them attend events) in the NYC infrastructure scene (that I have a personal connection to). If you're running a dinner or are just looking to meet interesting people in NYC in software infrastructure, consider this list and feel free to...
MathJax.Hub.Config({ CommonHTML: { scale: 105 } }); { table-layout: fixed; border-collapse: collapse; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; } th, td { border: 1px solid black; } table.blueTable { border: 1px solid #1C6EA4; background-color:...
Feb 24 2011 I’ve been joking for a while that I’d like to “move to the Internet.” Generally I cite my familiarity and love with online culture as opposed to American culture. I don’t really care what’s going on in “the real world,” as I feel it’s kind of played out. The whole cycle of “fight wars, reduce freedoms, sit in front of your TV” has gotten really boring quickly. I find Internet culture to be more complex, entertaining, and useful. But I’m getting way off topic,...
Are you interested in improving your application deployment processes and delivering better end-user experiences? Look no further than DevOps, a methodology that blends development and operations teams to work collaboratively throughout the software development lifecycle.
Dana, the kids, and I got back to the US last week after a month spent in England and then Israel. We decided to visit Israel because … uhh, we heard there’s never been a better time. We normally go every year to visit Dana’s family and our many friends there, and to give talks. […]
Comparing baselines (matrix factorization) against novel approaches using graphs & NLP.
System 7 is a great operating system. The experience using it today remains very close to modern macOS. It’s surprising how little has changed on our Desktop in the 30 years since. That said, the experience can be improved with the judicious use of additional software. When adding things to the system my goal is always to increase quality of life...
Today I have fixed two large annoyances I’ve had! I fixed the blue people on youtube bug I found a nice thread with a great answer. I solved it by forcefully patching perl -pi.bak -e 's/libvdpau/lixvdpau/g' Worked perfectly! I fixed the minecraft stuck in pause bug This affects you if you’re using xmonad (or...
Being a father is an incarnated experience. You can explain what you are going through or share your emotions with guys who don't have kids yet. But they won't get it.It takes living the fatherhood experience to understand it truly.If you tell a pal about your seven-week streak of poor sleeping nights, he might try to approximate what it's like based on his own experience. "Ah! Yeah. I remember when I was in college, we used to go out every evening."Ok, it's...
Friday afternoon. You’re trying out a script that you wrote to mass-rename and move some files around. You finish the script and test it out. Oops. All the files now have all the wrong names, and some have been randomly moved 10 folders deep. It’s a mess. And you didn’t make a backup of your files right before this step because you thought that...
February was really broken up by Systems Distributed so not as much coding or papers to talk about as I'd like. The talks were all recorded but I don't know when they'll be published yet. tigerbeetle table sizing bench harder wasm first steps sycl vancouver reading breathing for warriors move your dna the molecule of...
Not long ago a good friend of mine was hired to teach a “Freshman Success” class at a local high school. This was the first time she’d be teaching the class. She is an excellent teacher, and I’m confident she made an impactful semester. But, it got me thinking, what would I want to teach a high school freshman about to set them up for success?
Tabbed Content Without JavaScript 2019-01-28 Creating tabs is a fairly trivial and common practice in web design, but many times it requires JavaScript to properly implement. Fortunately it is possible to create tabbed content with only using CSS. Live CodePen Example Sidenote: While this method is semantic and accessible, you might consider...
In the past six months, I wrote and self-published two books related to Software Engineering. Let me share with you the workflow and tools I used to do so.
I wrote a video game FAQ and uploaded it to GameFAQs:
Oskar Perron, a German mathematician, introduced Perron's paradox to illustrate the danger of assuming the existence of a solution to an optimisation problem. The paradox works like this: Let \( n \) be the largest positive integer. Then either \( n = 1 \) or \( n > 1. \) If \( n > 1, \) then \( n^2 > n, \) contradicting the...
Jun 16 2014 Historically, Rust has had a tough time with documentation. Such a young programming language changes a lot, which means that documentation can quickly be out of date. However, Rust is nearing a 1.0 release, and so that’s about to change. I’ve just signed a contract with Mozilla, and starting Monday, June 23rd, I will be devoting forty hours per week of my time to ensuring that Rust has wonderful...
We all know testing is important. And, I hope, it might even be familiar. You’re coding away and catch yourself thinking “I should probably test this”. And before you know it you’ve mashed on your keyboard and there appears #[cfg(test)] mod tests { ... } These are unit tests which are super easy to setup. No added dependencies, no added tooling....
This blog post is continuing my conversation with cramertj. In the first post, I covered what we said about Fuchsia, interoperability, and the organization of the futures crate. This post covers cramertj’s take on the Stream trait as well as the AsyncRead and AsyncWrite traits. You can watch the video on YouTube. The need for “streaming” streams...
Abstract: In this talk, I aim to give an account of norms governing our uses of generic judgements (like “kangaroos have long tails”, “birds lay eggs”, or “logic talks are boring”), norms governing inference, and the relationship between generics and inference. This connection goes some way to explain why generics exhibit some very strange...
Automate security flows and ensure your team follows security best practices
I imagined the kind of text editor I’d want in Twitter, Masto, Bluesky, Threads, etc — rather than the tiny little text boxes they provide. What features would I want, and how would it work. That’s what WordLand is. If you look at the textcasting doc, that’s the basic feature set. But as you can see, […]
Nestled within the annals of my notes is “The long view of blogs,” followed by my wondering whether a blog could be a magnum opus. I later coalesced these ideas into the “long view” of a blog. I imagine this as thinking about the blog not as any single post, but rather as the collection of all works over time; the contents and presentation When I...
Write the letters of the alphabet around a circle, then strike out the letters that are symmetrical about a vertical line. The remaining letters are grouped in clumps of 3, 1, 4, 1, and 6 letters. I’ve heard that this observation is due to Martin Gardner, but I don’t have a specific reference. The post Finding pi in the alphabet first appeared on...
May 26 2019 There’s a war going on. When isn’t there a war going on? But I’m not talking about a physical war here: I’m talking about a war over meaning. This particular war is a fight over what “open source” means. Let’s take a few steps back. The Free Software Foundation People organize into groups for many reasons. This story starts with the story of an organization called the “GNU Project.” It was started in...
This evening, I started to think about what the experience should be on audio notes. Could I offer transcriptions? What would that look like? What design elements should I have on the page? What features could I add to afford greater utility to the transcript, like search? I explore these questions in the below audio note, with additional...
When it comes to web programming, I’ve always coded in ASP.NET or the LAMP technologies for most part of my life. Now, the new buzz in the city is node.js. It is a light-weight platform that runs javascript code on server-side and is said to improvise performance by using async I/O. The theory suggests that synchronous or blocking model of I/O...
Look, Twitter is trash now, let’s be honest. It used to be a gold mine for discovering stuff as a developer, but since the Musk takeover, finding anything of value is hard. We’re all fragmented now too, spread around Bluesky, Mastodon, Threads and LinkedIn, so finding stuff is still tough on social media. I’ll always back RSS — it’s why we...
Co-founder and CTO at Luminopia, where we were working to cure lazy eye (the team’s working on even more now!). Checkout some coverage of an early clinical trial we ran at BCH, a writeup by the Ophthalmologist, some SXSW coverage. Plus, The Crimson asked me for a brief statement and HBS wrote-up a case study on us, if that’s your thing.
While PowerShell can be cumbersome and ugly, its take on object orientation is very useful.
A first look at the state management library mobx-state-tree and a comparison with Redux Saga.
Python makes it freakishly easy to load the whole content of any file into memory and process it afterward. This is one of the first things that’s taught to people who are new to the language. While the following snippet might be frowned upon by many, it’s definitely not uncommon: # with open("foo.csv", "r") as f: # Load the whole content...
One of the things we’re tackling as part of the STF infrastructure initiative is improving notifications. Other platforms have advanced significantly in this area over the past decade, while we still have more or less the same notifications we had since the early GNOME 3 days, both in terms of API and feature set. There’s … Continue reading...
Did you go to university, polytechnic, or a similar institution? If so, do you remember… group assignments? No two words combined strike as much fear in the minds of undergraduates in my experience, other than perhaps pop quiz. I worked with some standout people during some of my group assignments, including Vadim and Clara. But the majority of...
People sometimes act suprised when I tell them about my music hobby, manually converting CD's to lossless audio files; there is some reason to this madness however!
Thought of a hilarious idea for a manga and eventually anime when it inevitably gets super popular. It takes place in Japan, but only because that seems like the only appropriate setting for an anime. The story is about a twenty-something bachelor. He wants a dog, so he adopts a beautiful female malamute from a shelter. However! When he gets...
Answering questions from one of the most popular posts of last year, I am reviewing my commuter bike after one year of extensive use through winter and summer.
This year I decided that I want to share my most important learnings about engineering, teams and quite frankly personal mental health. My hope is that those who want to learn from me find it useful. I consider myself a functional and pragmatic pessimist. I tend to err on the side of anticipating the worst outcome most of the time. This...
As I once again find myself staring at local software dev job ads, I can’t help but wonder: what are the current trends in local software dev ads? In other words, can we identify patterns by data mining job ads? The answer is, of course, yes, but the results are disappointingly comparable with the last time I was flipping through ads, in...
Hooking non-smart devices into the house automation framework
A.K.A. "Thanos Management" Fire each manager by coin-flip. Reconfigure your org. Ask deep questions. 1. Fire each manager by coin-flip. For each manager in your org chart, flip a coin. "Fire" them if tails. Alternatively, shuffle your managers in a list and dispose of the top half. This is easy to do in a spreadsheet program or BASH. A "manager"...
Daliana and I had a 2hr chat on all things data science and machine learning.
Apple: Updates to the StoreKit External Purchase Link EntitlementDevelopers can communicate and promote offers for purchases available at a destination of their choice. The destination can be an alternative app marketplace, another app, or a website, and it can be accessed outside the app or via a web view
I recently wrote a blog post where I argued that “JSON serialization” as commonly practiced in the software industry is much too ambitious. This is the case at least in the .NET and Java ecosystems. I can’t really speak to the state of affairs in other ecosystems, although I note that the amount of human […]
After so many years trying to read as much as I can, I think I found my best reading rules ever
The use of the word “moment” in mathematics is related to its use in physics, as in moment arm or moment of inertia. For a non-negative integer n, the nth moment of a function f is the integral of xn over the function’s domain. Uniqueness If two continuous functions f and g have all the […] The post When do moments determine a function? first...
Hello! Over the holidays I decided it might be fun to run NixOS on one of my servers, as part of my continuing experiments with Nix. My motivation for this was that previously I was using Ansible to provision the server, but then I’d ad hoc installed a bunch of stuff on the server in a chaotic way separately from Ansible, so in the end I had no...
This is the first installment in the Journey to 0.x series, where we find very old versions of popular software to better understand the deep concepts behind how they work. Here’s a pattern I’ve noticed in software. You hear about a new platform or library. Over time you hear about it more and more often. Maybe you try it out for a small project,...
We first introduced support for dmabufs and graphics offload last fall, and it is included in GTK 4.14. Since we last talked about, more improvements have happened, so it is time for another update. Transformations When you rotate your monitor, it changes its aspect from landscape (say, 1920 x 1200 to portrait (1200 x 1920). … Continue reading...
After four years of faithful service, I’m retiring the brainbaking-minimal website theme. I got tired of the clean look. It didn’t spark joy and I didn’t really like looking at my website any more: the minimal theme perhaps became too clean. The more other personal blogs I discovered with popping colours screaming personality, the more depressed...
My founder friends constantly think about growth. They think about how to measure their business growth and how to get to the next order of magnitude scale. If they’re making $1M ARR today, they think about how to get to $10M ARR. If they have 1,000 users today, they think about how to get to 10,000 users. This made me wonder if/how people are...
I am privileged enough to know a second language (although as the years pass, my proficiency is faltering…). The government and the military have a great need for foreign language proficiency for its employees (though apparently that isn’t much of a requirement for U.S. diplomats…). Given their need, they coordinated with the University of...
Here’s what was important this week… More than you probably ever wanted to know about refrigerators and refrigeration: “Refrigeration is the invisible backbone on which the world’s food supply depends — and given our climate-changed forecast of more extreme weather events, it may yet prove to be its Achilles’ heel.” Oh how I wish this had come...