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More from Scattered Thoughts
Various new written things:Various new written things: Smolderingly fast b-treesSmolderingly fast b-trees Serious funSerious fun What is the point of an online conference?What is the point of an online conference?
My climbing this season was crippled by fear. No matter what I did, it just kept growing from week to week. By the end I didn't even want to go out any more. I was secretly relieved whenever it rained.My climbing this season was crippled by fear. No matter what I did, it just kept growing from week to week. By the end I didn't even want to go out any more. I was secretly relieved whenever it rained. The most frustrating part was that I couldn't figure out what I suddenly so afraid of.The most frustrating part was that I couldn't figure out what I suddenly so afraid of. There's obviously fear of injury and fear of not being able to control your own trajectory. But I trust my partner to catch me softly, and I trust my own judgement of risk...There's obviously fear of injury and fear of not being able to control your own trajectory. But I trust my partner to catch me softly, and I trust my own judgement of risk...
I've been thinking a lot about this in preparation for the next I've been thinking a lot about this in preparation for the next HYTRADBOIHYTRADBOI.. My experience of online conferences has mostly been underwhelming. They typically borrow the form and structure of an in-person conference without considering whether those still make sense online, and whether the goals of an online conference should even be the same as an in-person conference.My experience of online conferences has mostly been underwhelming. They typically borrow the form and structure of an in-person conference without considering whether those still make sense online, and whether the goals of an online conference should even be the same as an in-person conference. The most important function of...The most important function of...
It's easy to think of being serious and having fun as opposite sides of a spectrum. The problem is that 'being serious' has many unrelated meanings, for example:It's easy to think of being serious and having fun as opposite sides of a spectrum. The problem is that 'being serious' has many unrelated meanings, for example: Serious as in somber or solemn. "This is a serious event, stop playing around."Serious as in somber or solemn. "This is a serious event, stop playing around." Serious as in actually trying to attain your goals, as opposed to just going through the motions. "This is a serious effort."Serious as in actually trying to attain your goals, as opposed to just going through the motions. "This is a serious effort." Only the first meaning is actually opposed to fun. Fun/playful vs...Only the first meaning is actually opposed to fun. Fun/playful vs...