More from baby steps
This post lays out the idea of preview crates.1 Preview crates would be special crates released by the rust-lang org. Like the standard library, preview crates would have access to compiler internals but would still be usable from stable Rust. They would be used in cases where we know we want to give users the ability to do X but we don’t yet...
This post floats a variation of boats’ UnpinCell proposal that I’m calling MinPin.1 MinPin’s goal is to integrate Pin into the language in a “minimally disruptive” way2 – and in particular a way that is fully backwards compatible. Unlike Overwrite, MinPin does not attempt to make Pin and &mut “play nicely” together. It does however leave the door...
In July, boats presented a compelling vision in their post pinned places. With the Overwrite trait that I introduced in my previous post, however, I think we can get somewhere even more compelling, albeit at the cost of a tricky transition. As I will argue in this post, the Overwrite trait effectively becomes a better version of the existing...
What would you say if I told you that it was possible to (a) eliminate a lot of “inter-method borrow conflicts” without introducing something like view types and (b) make pinning easier even than boats’s pinned places proposal, all without needing pinned fields or even a pinned keyword? You’d probably say “Sounds great… what’s the catch?” The...
I’ve been thinking a wild thought lately: we should deprecate panic=unwind. Most production users I know either already run with panic=abort or use unwinding in a very limited fashion, basically just to run to cleanup, not to truly recover. Removing unwinding from most case meanwhile has a number of benefits, allowing us to extend the type system...