The 003rd post with three-digit integers
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Long-term readers know I love ALDI. With a few rare misses, the German discount supermarket chain has stuff as good as the others, at better prices, and in a well-designed environment that doesn’t trigger anxiety like the blaring lights and music of Colesworth. I wrote more about the enduring appeal of Aldi back in June last year. But I hadn’t...
Yesterday I wrote how people generally don’t care how something works, they only want a solution to their IT problems. Jason of NotJustBikes was joined by Reece from RM Transit to discuss a similar idea. Edited for brevity: Jason: In the Netherlands, the planning seems to be a lot more high level and strategic. “This is the overarching goal that...
I judge the process of cancelling a service against how easy it was to register with the company in the first place. It’s amazing how many companies fail when judged against this! Okay, it’s not amazing at all, it’s entirely routine. Which is frustrating. If you can register online, you must be able to cancel online. If you can register without a...
My dad used to quip that chemists have solutions. That’s probably where I get this awful sense of humour from. But I digress. It’s been five years now since I moved into my current role, doing something I never in a million years would have expected. I talk to people, about their tech. I sit with sales teams, and I’m “the tech guy” for...
Today’s Music Monday is on a Tuesday my time, but it’s still Monday in some parts of the world. I’m (ab)using this technicality to share something financially dangerous. My favourite watch company SEIKO are taking preorders for a piece themed for the legendary 2011 Hatsune Miku song Senbonzakura by Kurousa-P. The music and visuals have become so...