Objective-C, Day 2
More from Praise, Curse, and Recurse
Planet Haskell readers might want to skip this one. Recently I've been thinking about the possibilities offered by embedded interpreters. This is becoming a common design pattern in commercial software -- games written in C++ embedding Lua, for example, or Python for graphical user interfaces, or occasionally Scheme, or even the JVM. However,...
Warning for Planet Haskell readers: imperative content! (Or, I tried to get GHC working in 2048 bytes of RAM but didn't get very far...) A friend of mine sent me a RedBoard and asked me to collaborate with him on a development idea. So I'm playing with an Arduino-compatible device for the first time. I've been aware of the Arduino devices, and...
So, trying wxHaskell. First, I want to try removing everything that might be left over from yesterday's experiments: Pauls-Mac-Pro:~ paul$ brew list gettext libffi pkg-config xz Pauls-Mac-Pro:~ paul$ brew uninstall gettext libffi pkg-config xz Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/gettext/0.18.3... Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/libffi/3.0.13......
OK, so when I left off last time, I was running into a gruesome link error. I found this Stack Overflow thread and the first accepted answer fixed the problem. However, it seems that the answer may be to avoid MacPorts versions of the libraries I need. So I'm going to attempt to clean that all out and use Homebrew. So, first: sudo port -fp...
So, I have some time today to program and I want to see how far I can get in starting to develop a GUI for my game, incomplete as it is. Can I get a window displayed and reacting to mouse or keyboard events, and drive the game logic with it? I came across the paper FranTk -- A Declarative GUI Language for Haskell (PDF file link) by Meurig Sage...