Is new tech cool enough to justify the harm, or the labor?
More from ReedyBear's Blog
I built my whole own stack for software development - testing, documentation generation, web framework, user login, and loads of other tools. I have two major goals. One is to create citizen-journalism software to be used by local communities for reporting on themselves. The other is to build and distribute open source software that solves real...
I've been half-assed vegan for 5+ years now, mainly out of concern for the environmental impact. Reducing animal suffering is a bonus, but not the main driving force. But I've been thinking about personal responsibility recently, and I'm struggling with it. Comcast offered me a brand new phone to switch to them, AND I would have saved some money...
I sent the following message to AllSides today. Hopefully this will inspire you to ask somebody to improve their feed reader support! Perhaps your local library or city council? Hello, I appreciate that you have Feed Reader support for your news, your blog, and for each of your topics, but I see some ways this support could be improved. Here are...
I've been in a weird mental state the last 2, maybe 3 weeks. I was wired every day, but also exhausted every day. Some of the exhaustion has lifted, some of the wired has lifted ... or it's morphed, I don't know. I can't stop coding. Like 4 or 5 days in a row now, I've coded for about 2 hours in the afternoon. This is the third night that I've...
Moving to a new system is such a huge task, because billions of people are propping it up, holding it together. Sure, there's the governments, and the corporations, the owners and the regulators. But it is regular people doing the day-to-day work that makes it all function. If you're sick of capitalism, so you stop going to your factory job, what...