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The EFF saw Mozilla, and said “hold my beer” on Mastodon: We applaud Meta’s efforts to try to fix its over-censorship problem […] Imagine seeing what’s going on, and thinking that’s an appropriate opening for a post. In the local vernacular: you what mate? They’ve since issued what could (charitably) be described as a partial retraction. But...
This is part two in my shaggy dog story about the PlayStation 3, one of my favourite ever consoles. In part one I talked about my history (or lack thereof) with consoles as a kid, how I was first fascinated by the PS3 for its ability to run Folding@home and play Blu-ray discs, and how Clara and I ended up with a couple of them. But how!? I’d say...
The way Feature Keys are downloaded for WatchGuard FireboxV evaluations has changed, at least since the last time I had to do this for a client. On the off-chance this helps someone: Log into the WatchGuard Partner Portal, and under the Products menu, click Virtual Appliance Evaluation. Next to the WatchGuard Product you want to request an...
Where we’re coming from, we don’t need no context! Welcome to the next in our series of overheard coffee shop snippets, I’m your host Yves Drop. Nah I didn’t get a break, I work for a living. Do you drink cappuccinos? No? Wait, what? Everyone is a dictator. You are. I am. We vote for dictators. Even the ones that say they’re [sic] dictators are...
Almost exactly two years ago—huh!—Cay Horstman configured his Linux machine for 2× HiDPI, including some tweaks I was unaware of. He also summarised why you’d want to do this: At first I didn’t care because my external monitor didn’t change, and just set the resolution to 1920x1200. But when I traveled over Christmas, I got curious. Would it be...