list by @rakhim

The Hypertext HTML Document Editor

The Hypertext HTML Document Editor Introducing the Hypertext HTML Document Editor World Wide Web: Phase 2 Hypertext is a new rich-text editor for creating documents using HTML instead of using an 18 year old text format or complex word processor files. It's an app created using web technologies for creating actual documents, not websites, web...

Less htmx is More

It's been two years since I wrote my first production webservice with htmx. Two years is not a very long time, but early indicators suggest that the software projects I've written with htmx are a much better experience for users, and orders of magnitude easier to maintain, than the software projects they replaced. They are likely to remain useful...

The Life & Death of htmx

iframe { display: block; margin: 10px auto; } This past weekend, I gave a talk entitled "The Life & Death of htmx" at Big Sky Dev Con. Summary The thesis of the talk is that, with 30 years of real-world usage evidence, we have a clear understanding of HTML's limitations as hypertext, and with just three small additions to HTML, we can address...

Be Careful With Your HTML element IDs, especially in HTMX
callmephilip | 21 Nov 2024 | original ↗

I once came across a Reddit thread where people were sharing embarrassing facts about themselves. My favorite was a guy who misheard the saying “Knowledge is power” - Francis Bacon as “Knowledge is power, France is bacon”. For years, he thought that this was the way the saying went. Knowledge is power It’s time for my “France is bacon” moment - I...

Hotwire and HTMX - Same Principles, Different Approaches

A Chinese translation of this article is also available. Hotwire and HTMX are two powerful libraries that both have the same goal: simplify building modern web applications. Both embrace the HTML+CSS basis of the web and enhance it to enable slick UIs with little or no javascript needed. While both projects share many fundamental values and even...

Dependency management fatigue, or why I forever ditched React for Go+HTMX+Templ

After getting to work on some personal projects using Go+HTMX+Templ this year, I have decided to give up on using React on any personal projects. You can actually find a lot of compelling arguments for ditching React in favor of HTMX in the essays found in the HTMX official website. But I feel that not that many people are speaking about...

Making a Trello clone using htmx
Erik Heemskerk | 21 Dec 2024 | original ↗

Is it possible to create a Trello clone using htmx? Yes, and I’ll show you how.

htmx: Simplicity in an Age of Complicated Solutions
Erik Heemskerk | 30 May 2024 | original ↗

In an age of complicated front-end solutions, is there a simpler way of doing things? Spoiler alert: there is.