On the Importance of Stable IDs
More from The Darth Mall
(Four-year-old yawns) Me: Someone’s tired. 4-year-old: I’m not! Me: That was a pretty big yawn… 4-year-old: I was just stretching. Me: Stretching your jaw… 4-year-old: Yes. Comments, questions, suggestions? Email me at comment@darthmall.net.
Tracy Durnell published her principles for her website, which I thought was an interesting exercise in self-reflection, and it got me thinking about the principles that guide my own decisions for this website. Privacy first Accessible (by default) Be positive Don’t be a website about having a website Link generously Privacy first Everyone is...
Heard about this 100 photos in 365 days challenge over on Notes by JCProbably. Sounds fun. Spread the word if you or anyone you know enjoys photography. Comments, questions, suggestions? Email me at comment@darthmall.net.
Me: Let’s go home and I’ll make some lunch. 4-year-old: I don’t want lunch, I want snack. Me: Ok, I’ll make you a snack. (Goes home and makes lunch.) Me: Here’s your snack. (4-year-old happily eats lunch.) Comments, questions, suggestions? Email me at comment@darthmall.net.
I came across this post from Mark Nottingham on what RSS needs. I’ve written before about my conflicting feelings towards RSS, and I think having a body responsible for interoperability between feed readers as Nottingham suggests could address some of those issues; if there was a standard for handling footnotes and web components, for example....