The 100 Pics Challenge
More from The Darth Mall
(Four-year-old yawns) Me: Someone’s tired. 4-year-old: I’m not! Me: That was a pretty big yawn… 4-year-old: I was just stretching. Me: Stretching your jaw… 4-year-old: Yes. Comments, questions, suggestions? Email me at
Tracy Durnell published her principles for her website, which I thought was an interesting exercise in self-reflection, and it got me thinking about the principles that guide my own decisions for this website. Privacy first Accessible (by default) Be positive Don’t be a website about having a website Link generously Privacy first Everyone is...
First off, let me apologize to all of you subscribed to the RSS feed. I was “tidying up” around my website over the past few days: removing unwanted plugins, eliminating filters, and flattening the site structure a bit by removing the /weblog and /notes directories from my URLs. As a result anyone subscribed to the RSS feed was inundated with...
Me: Let’s go home and I’ll make some lunch. 4-year-old: I don’t want lunch, I want snack. Me: Ok, I’ll make you a snack. (Goes home and makes lunch.) Me: Here’s your snack. (4-year-old happily eats lunch.) Comments, questions, suggestions? Email me at
I came across this post from Mark Nottingham on what RSS needs. I’ve written before about my conflicting feelings towards RSS, and I think having a body responsible for interoperability between feed readers as Nottingham suggests could address some of those issues; if there was a standard for handling footnotes and web components, for example....