Repeat Yourself, A Bit
"Don't Repeat Yourself", abbreviated DRY, is a mantra I subscribe to as a programmer. I don't want to have the same code in multiple parts of the codebase. Part of the reason is just reuse: if I can reuse code, it's just easier. Repetitive code is also difficult to maintain - if it's in multiple places, a change may mean I need to update multiple...
The Curious Case of Quentell
I go on a journey to learn about a man named Quentell, and discover unsettling things about the information landscape.
The Humble For Loop in Rust
Rust has some really nice functional programming facilities built in, all around an iterator concept. Rust being focused on performance and low level control makes it possible to use this without paying a performance cost. Sometimes I still prefer to use the humble for loop though. In quite a few cases, it combines high performance with high...
The Humble For Loop in JavaScript
I've seen some programmers try to avoid the humble for loop at all costs, in favor of more functional abstractions. I'm going to argue that the for loop is sometimes simply the best option. That doesn't mean you should always use it -- far from it -- but it does mean you should give it due consideration. The goal is to help develop some...