Knee replacement 2.0, things have changed
More from Bob Monsour
I spent a few hours mulling over this website and futzing with it. I tweaked some CSS to simplify things. And I decided to add more tags to some of my posts. The personal category was a bunch of odd stuff. Those posts also have tags like travel, politics, and health. I'm having second thoughts about calling this section of the site a microBlog...
Table of ContentsIntroductionImages & captionsTables of contentsConclusion Introduction It has taken me a while, but I'm becoming more comfortable with markdown, and specifically plugins for the markdown-it markdown parser. Up until now, I had been doing a few things in a rather brute force way and it was taking more effort than I thought it...
Wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving. Be safe, be grateful and enjoy the day.
I have been using Pagefind on this site for some time to handle site search. I was finding that some searches turned up pages and posts that had more results than made sense, i.e., the results were overly broad. For example, prior to the tweak that I'm about to describe, a search for the word "doing" would return any word with "do" as its stem....
I just heard Robb Knight and John Voorhees of MacStories, talk more about Robb's EchoFeed service. It takes your RSS feed and "echoes" the latest entry to one or more social media or other services. In their Ruminate podcast, it was noted that once you add that "one more" social media account, it becomes a bit more of a pain to post on them...