The Ideal Continuous Integration System, part two
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Just a short notice that this blog will not be updated in the future. I have moved my web presence - including my blog - to a new place. This site here will be kept in its current state indefinitely, but will not receive any more updates.
As far as I can remember I have gravitated towards strong copyleft licenses, the GPL family, in particular, and never been a fan of permissive software licenses. Proponents of permissive licenses cite that it allows wider adoption, in proprietary software too - that's a valid goal to have, but it isn't mine. The single thing I liked most about...
I am no NixOS expert by any means, I only recently switched to it as my daily driver. I have rebuilt my workstation and home server on top of it, and am in the process of rebuilding my public facing server with it, too. Nevertheless, when I read Xe Iaso's latest blog post, and the ensuing discussion on, I had Thoughts.The part I wish to...
Over a year ago, I started looking for a replacement for my continuous integration solution, because the one I used transitioned into an open core model, and its future wasn't looking particularly bright. At that time, I concluded that there aren't any alternatives available that would fit the particular needs I had. I went as far as describing a...
About a month ago, I did something I haven't done in over two decades. Something I previously thought unthinkable. After about twenty four years with Debian, I switched distributions. This is the second time in my entire life that I changed my distribution: first in 1999 from SuSE to Debian, then now, in 2023, from Debian to NixOS. A month later,...