Lifetime notation
More from baby steps
This post floats a variation of boats’ UnpinCell proposal that I’m calling MinPin.1 MinPin’s goal is to integrate Pin into the language in a “minimally disruptive” way2 – and in particular a way that is fully backwards compatible. Unlike Overwrite, MinPin does not attempt to make Pin and &mut “play nicely” together. It does however leave the door...
In July, boats presented a compelling vision in their post pinned places. With the Overwrite trait that I introduced in my previous post, however, I think we can get somewhere even more compelling, albeit at the cost of a tricky transition. As I will argue in this post, the Overwrite trait effectively becomes a better version of the existing...
What would you say if I told you that it was possible to (a) eliminate a lot of “inter-method borrow conflicts” without introducing something like view types and (b) make pinning easier even than boats’s pinned places proposal, all without needing pinned fields or even a pinned keyword? You’d probably say “Sounds great… what’s the catch?” The...
One of the better features from functional programming languages are variant types (a.k.a. algebraic data types). Basically they are a way of enumerating a small set of possibilities and then making sure that you handle every possible case. However, in real world use variant types tend to run into a few annoying problems. While working on the...
I just posted a draft of a proposal for Rust that aims to eliminate implicit copies. At the moment, it is not the final version; there are some flaws I need to correct. For one thing, I need to address implicit capturing of variables by lambdas. From the introduction: This is a proposal for Rust whose purpose is to eliminate implicit copies of...