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To avoid grade inflation, I use the cmart rating system: -2 is quite bad. -1 is sorta bad. 0 is meh / okay. Borderline worthwhile. +1 is pretty good! Clearly worthwhile. +2 is uncommonly great. If your life doesn’t suck, most of your experiences will score between -1 and +1. You hope to avoid -2 things altogether. +2 is an honor to bestow...
Learned: if you’re working remotely, but you want to bring back the daily experience of going to an office with some friendly people, maybe don’t start a coworking space. It probably won’t work. You can recruit a half-dozen friends who like you, and they’ll show up occasionally, but not daily. You can offer Aeron chairs and tasty snacks. You can...
A friend showed me Simple, Non-Commercial, Open Source Notes. (Warning, this video will berate you for 30 minutes.) My values are different from the author’s, but I appreciate their methodical(??) approach to articulate their needs and explore the solution space of digital note-taking systems. Here, I do some of the same. Composing and Editing I...
Warnings: This topic, personal eating habits, is tired. Anything I could say, a different nerd has said better. I currently eat meat but try to avoid eating mammals, which I learned today is called mafism. I’m a mid-30s knowledge worker who lives with a partner. We share some meals spontaneously but don’t plan around it, each keeping our own...
It seems that you want my help making a personnel decision? Sadly, I have little to say about the agent who answered my phone, email, or chat inquiry. They appeared to be a competent human. If I was unknowingly interacting with an LLM, you did a great job fine-tuning it. While I’d have preferred someone with forensic troubleshooting skill and...