Safepoints: Meaning, Side Effects and Overheads
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Inlining is a powerful and common optimization technique used by compilers. But inlining combines with other optimizations to transform your code to such an extent that other tooling becomes confused, namely profilers. Mommy, What is Inlining? Inlining is the mother of all optimizations (to quote C. Click), and mothers are awesome as we all...
JDK 9 is out! But as a library writer, this means change, and change can go either way... Once we've satisfied that JCTools works with JDK9, what other observations can we make? Well, one of the main motivations for using JCTools is performance, and since the code has been predominantly tested and run with JDK8, is it even better with JDK9? is...
FlameGraphs are superawesome. If you've never heard of FlameGraphs and want to dive straight in the deep end, you should run off and check out the many many good resources provided by Brendan Greg in his one stop shop page here. This post will give a quick intro and some samples to get you started with collecting profiles for all JVMs everywhere....
Paved with well intended definitions it is. lazySet/putOrdered (or an ordered store) was added as a bit of a rushed/non-commital afterthought after the JMM was done, so it's description is subject to many debates on the mailing lists, stack overflow and watercoolers the world over. This post merely tries to provide a clear definition with...
JCTools has a bunch of benchmarks we use to stress test the queues and evaluate optimizations. These are of course not 'real' workloads, but serve to highlight imperfections and opportunities. While it is true that an optimization might work in a benchmark but not in the real world, a benchmark can work as a demonstration that there are at least...