8 Mistakes to Avoid in Your Student Design Portfolio
More from Josh Collinsworth
Things I watched, read, played, got into, enjoyed, or did and would do again, in 2024.
Life in America has long felt like a game played between adults and children; a game where one side knows the rules and is dedicated to keeping them, and the other is merely making up ad-hoc rules from moment to moment, for no reason but to help them win.
I feel it's important to issue a critical reading of Automattic's post, as it doesn't seem to offer much of a serious or objective examination of the issues at hand. Rather, the post unfortunately reads as something more akin to a puff piece, or corporate propaganda.
I believe Matt Mullenweg's abuses of his unilateral, unchecked powers prove that it is in the best interest of the entire WordPress community that he be removed from power immediately.
A collection of things I've learned over my decade in the industry, on how and where to look for jobs, applying, interviewing, talking about yourself and your work, and all those other fun things. For whatever it's worth.