📺 The Agency S1
I’m not going to do this with every comics—just like I had said with TV—I’ll reserve these for finishing series1. But since I just started doing these, I wanted to...
This was my number one most anticipated album of the year and for the most part, it delivered. There are no huge hits, I don’t think, like his first two...
I’m not an artist, writer, designer, or photographer—nor have I ever been any good at those things. The only things I’ve ever considered myself exceptional at are: math (but since leaving...
The entire time watching this, two words were stuck in my head: intimate and ethereal. I think a lot of that had to do with the way Coppola used the...
Had a pretty good idea what I was getting myself into, but it was still fun. Every time I thought things were going to wrap up, they continued to push—and...