I don’t know how to say this gently so here it is bluntly: You turning yourself into a brand is a bad user experience for me, your potential target market....
I’m using real-life as shorthand for people I know and interact with in my physical life versus my digital life. I think online friends are real, None of my real-life...
Thanks to my buddy BinaryDigit for tagging me, I’m sorry it took so long! For more meta-blogging-about-blogging: here and here and here and here. Why did you start blogging in the...
Well, I read a bunch of fiction. Winter is such a good time for reading. It’s the coziest. Get a hot beverage and a snack, curl up on the couch,...
A few notes from Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman, a January read. You’re not gonna do it all, so quit trying. Be realistic and limit what you actually expect to...
Fail more often is my new life goal and I think I’m gonna nail this one. Having earned now • the experience of failure many times over, • and the...
Here’s the thing: When you write about yourself, your own experience, it can’t be fair. By nature, by instinct, and even by design, I want a story that is understandable...
Here is how I, a cishet white woman, will save the trans community and also, certainly, the larger LGBTQ+ community (because why not) and after that most likely I will...
I fucking hate this shit. I hate conflict like this. I hate people I like being mad at each other. I hate disagreements within my circle. I hate feeling empathy...
“Some of these things are true and some of them lies. But they are all good stories. —Hilary Mantel” We don’t live life, we live storiesWe do not live a...
Good advice for when you feel lost in your head, panic settling in, is to name tangible things around you. Grip the edge of the table, name it: I feel...
Today has been a sad day. I don’t know why, why today? Why tears today, why crying in the car today, why the helpless ache blooming in my chest today?...
This particular post could be written in any week of any year and be relevant. Because, well, there’s always someone who’s just been found out. Someone whose art is beautiful...
What if we… Meet up every Friday when the weather’s good at the park. We can pick a theme each week. For example: Water balloons. What sound does a lemur...
About a month after I graduated college, I went for coffee with a kind and wise woman. A close friend of my mom’s who had become a friend and mentor...
We have to imagine the world before we can build it. Art is the way. We have to find hope when reality weighs on our shoulders. Art is the way....
Trying to make things what they are not can get you in a lot of trouble. Cauliflower is not rice, for example. Codependency is not love. Believing that things are...
Having courage is not the same as feeling courageous. We conflate these two experiences. We think that feeling courageous—dwelling in a psyched-up energy spin-cycle produced by Rocky reruns and motivational...
Worry about how much you appreciate the buttery light of a sunrise or sunset. Is it enough? There is a certain amount of awe required or the sun will not...
I'm a dabbler, myself. I like to investigate a little about a lot. I’m about a mile wide and an inch deep. I love to try things out. I like...
6How long will you grieve? Well, how much did you love? Did you love wholehearted, broad as the earth? Did you pour yourself out like water, like time? Did you...
Start comparing how much you want something (or think you want it) with how you feel while you’re actually having it. Compare your anticipation with your experience. Start comparing how...
“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow...
1You matter. I matter. Everything matters. 2You are not alone. You have never been alone. You will never be alone. You are not alone and you are not broken. 3Don’t...
If you try to optimize everything, you will fail at everything. Think of all the stuff of your life as a big lake of clear, cool water. You’re in a...
What’s my favorite book of 2024? I have no idea. I can’t remember what I read over the last few weeks, let alone over the past twelve months. I’m not...
I like lists. • ♻️ Automation: Raycast, Shortcuts • ✍🏻 Blogging: Pika, Micro.blog, MarsEdit • 📚 Book tracking: Epilogue • 🔖 Bookmarks: Micro.blog, Raindrop.io, many open tabs 😬 • 🌐...
My Mom loved the holidays. She always tried to do too much, and would get a little frazzled and stressed, but she did it because she loved all of it....
Connection between people requires time and care and a bit of vulnerability. Typical social media is frenetic and shallow by design. It’s a firehose of urgency that encourages consumption over...
This time of year can be quite the stressor. I love the holidays, in general, and I treasure the traditions I have with my kids and friends and loved ones....
“You start pretending to have fun, and you might even have a little by accident. – Alfred Pennyworth” Reading Lou’s recent post on delight got me thinking. There’s a phrase...
Train yourself to expect obstacles: To embrace them is asking a bit much, to merely accept them when they appear is not quite enough. “This world throws all kinds of...