Favourites of November 2024
More from Brain Baking
Remember that shiny new Samsung clamshell smartphone I got at the end of April this year? It already broke. The screen suddenly started flickering and turned white. It wasn’t the more fragile hinge or the screen near the hinge, but more likely a loose connector somewhere. Yet I was pretty upset, as the phone was just over six months old. Still...
During a chat with Joel about our unhealthy gaming habits, Joel got angry with me for not inviting him into the DOS Game Club and for not mentioning sooner that I was part of a super-secret club that required intricate handshakes to get in. So press ⌘+P, run to your printer, and bring this very exclusive invite to the coordinates below to follow...
Remember my analysis and gripes with the Rock Paper Shotgun 100? Well, since I’ve been slowly but surely building up my own video game database over at https://jefklakscodex.com where I log all my playthroughs, I figured I could just as well generate my own list based on the data I already had. I’ve been fiddling with the page for the last week...
When I was little, our parents took us on a trip to Spain every year. From where we live, that trip took, depending on the destination, up to 1500 km. Suffice to say, for a seven-year-old boy and his two little sisters, to get there, there was first a seemingly endless highway to endure, partially softened by the synths of Pink Floyd set on...
This week, Rock Paper Shotgun presented their best games to play on the PC today list or the RPS 100 (2024), another interesting PC video game top 100 list. Another heavily biased top 100 list, which calls for a good doze of armchair scientific analysis to determine exactly how reliable this list is. I do like the presentation of the list: click...