'The Rookie', copaganda I really like
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WILL IT EVER END?? | CJ Kim there are people dying, and you're absolutely gobsmacked that Mary Sue is wearing the same dress as you to winter formal. ... why do we have to go back to elementary basics and learn to use our fucking words? Communication is good. Do you talk to your friends about how much this drama upsets you? It sounds really...
I once believed strongly in this "survival of the fittest" theory of the individual, and I believed in it as the way things "should" be. But it's fucking nonsense. Babies are weak dumb little idiots (I love babies but its tru. sorry babies), and they survive. They survive because of their community, their support system. I was, to my perception,...
inspired by Sylvia's post of these. og by dabi Sylvia, I also LOVE The Good Place, was delighted to learn of the e project, and here is an alternate 418 teapot citation 1. Do you believe in aliens?Life as No One Knows It suggests that "alien" life is life that has a different evolutionary history than ours (a different origin story), and that our...
This afternoon, I hopped in to work on my User Login Library, which I started building years ago. I wanted to write documentation on how to replace the built-in styles. One of many to-dos on my list. Well it's built on top of Liaison, a PHP framework I developed a few years ago for building websites and backend webapps. So I check Liaison's...
I've been kind of wired recently. And I'm at the tail end of that "up" phase, I thiiink. I'm still suffering from some of the restlessness, and the mental obsession with doing stuff, even when it is time to relax, even when my mental energy is spent and I cannot healthily do stuff. I'm freaking exhausted the last few nights. I'm pretty exhausted...