Airport pianos
In “An airport piano was filthy and out of tune. He fixed it during a layover.”, the story is told of a 21-year-old, Jackson, who helped bring Chiacgo O’hare’s baby grand piano back to life. The piano was ailing: with sticky keys, it was hard to play. Over the course of an eight hour layover, Jackson cleaned the piano and re-tuned it: a laborious...
In design, craft
“i am a writer first and foremost when it comes to communicating.“, writes emma in “what making websites means to me” When I read this, I started to think about the way I have been approaching both visual and experience design, especially as I start to craft together concepts for new tools. 1 Thinking back to the redesign of this website earlier...
What would it look like to write a story with someone collaboratively, in real time, and with only a written document as our means of communication? This question was on my mind toward the end of last year. I was keen to get out of my comfort zone and try something new. Would it work? How would you co-ordinate who writes what parts of the story?...
During my co-writing session yesterday, I noted down the idea “Personal style – in writing, in design; how does it develop over time?” I was curious about what defines style, and, especially the connections between style in different artistic disciplines. As I learn about design, I find myself noting what I like and don’t like. “I like this...
One of the techniques I have been learning about in meditation is noting. During sessions in the course I am doing, I am asked to pay attention to when I start thinking. Then, to ask: is this thinking or is it feeling? Once I notice that my mind is wandering, I can say to myself that I am thinking or feeling. The next step is to go back to the...