'The Intelligence Illusion (Second Edition): Why generative models are bad for business' – Black Friday launch sale
More from Baldur Bjarnason's Notes on the Web
Slightly different format from the other interim notes because writing about text requires paragraphs. These interim notes are all unedited and a little bit rough. – Thinking about where text-based media – print, ebooks, websites, newsletters, etc. – are heading led me to start another re-read of Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death and,...
A few thoughts on my freelance and ebook business. Random and somewhat incoherent. A deregulated US poses a significant risk to small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Banking, transaction system, or payment disruptions disproportionally harm SMBs. For example, a larger business is likely to be able to weather a month-long disruption to their...
Some thoughts, because I write to think. Tech is about to enter a proper wealth extraction phase. One of my annoyances with “enshittification” is the lack of imagination it implies. Tech, as an industry, can be much more extractive than this. There’s ways to the bottom yet. Most large tech software products are, effectively, extremely shoddy...
Back when I relaunched this site in 2010 – switching from a pair of named blogs, Loud for links and Another Quiet Day for essays, to a eponymous blog and site – the point was that it would be a more focused foundation for my career. Unlike the blogs I’d been running up until then, this site has always had a defined purpose. I might digress into...
Went out and followed the local ravens around for a bit. A few more juveniles have joined the ones that arrived the other day. I’m guessing there are at least ten currently in town. They love to perch on streetlights. They were also very good about flying past the sunset. Finally, starlings.