lxml released at last

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I've finally found the time to release lxml. So here then is I've finally found the time to release lxml. So here then is lxmllxml, release 0.5!, release 0.5! The very brief lxml FAQThe very brief lxml FAQ Q: What is lxml?Q: What is lxml? A: It's a Pythonic wrapping for libxml2 and libxsltA: It's a Pythonic wrapping for libxml2 and libxslt Q: What does that do?Q: What does that do? A: It does XML, parsing it, writing it, manipulating it, searching in it (XPath), transforming it (XSLT), and validating it (Relax NG), plus more.A: It does XML, parsing it, writing it, manipulating it, searching in it (XPath), transforming it (XSLT), and validating it (Relax NG), plus more. Q: But doesn't...Q: But doesn't...