lxml performance progress

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Such progress a few days can bring. Just last week the lxml.etree performance figures on ElementTree operations like Such progress a few days can bring. Just last week the lxml.etree performance figures on ElementTree operations like findallfindall lost out badly to pure Python code. So badly, it was pretty embarassing: lost out badly to pure Python code. So badly, it was pretty embarassing: findall('//v') on ot.xml findall('//v') on ot.xml ElementTree: 0.13 s ElementTree: 0.13 s cElementTree: 0.11 s cElementTree: 0.11 s lxml.etree: 1.9 s lxml.etree: 1.9 s All three here are using the same All three here are using the same findallfindall implementation (in... implementation (in...