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# Introduction This blog post is an introduction to the smartphone and security oriented operating system GrapheneOS. => GrapheneOS official project web page Thanks to my patrons support, last week I have been able to replace my 6.5 years old BQ Aquaris X which has been successfully running Lineage OS all that time, by a...
# Introduction This blog post is part of a series that will be about Systemd ecosystem, today's focus is on journaling. Systemd got a regrettable reputation since its arrival mid 2010. I think this is due to Systemd being radically different than traditional tooling, and people got lost without a chance to be noticed beforehand they would have...
# Introduction This blog post is about the project Pi-hole, a libre software suite to monitor and filter DNS requests over a local network. => Pi-hole official project page Pi-hole is Linux based, it is a collection of components and configuration that can be installed on Linux, or be used from a Raspberry PI image ready to...
# Introduction This blog post is about designing firewall rules, not focusing on a specific operating system. The idea came after I made a mistake on my test network where I exposed LAN services to the Internet after setting up a VPN with a static IPv4 on it due to too simplistic firewall rules. While discussing this topic on Mastodon, some...
# Introduction Last month, I decided to leave the OpenBSD team as I have not been using OpenBSD myself for a while. A lot of people asked me why I stopped using OpenBSD, although I have been advocating it for a while. Let me share my thoughts. First, I like OpenBSD, it has values, and it is important that it exists. It just does not fit all...