YouTube: A Brief History of that Time you used Web Fonts—SmashingConf 2015 Barcelona Zach Leatherman
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The thing you need to know about me is that I’m not above forking an old package just to update its dependencies:
apropos of nothing — if mitch mcconnell himself started singing the praises of web components, you wouldn’t hear a word about it from me
Best of luck to JSX — of whom I do not predict will have the same success 😅
With type stripping in Node.js and `--erasableSyntaxOnly` in the TypeScript compiler — in my curmudgeonly luddite brain this has *finally* elevated TypeScript as-a-project beyond a minimal tier of long-term stability in the JS ecosystem.Glad to see it make it over the hump.
With type stripping in Node.js and `--erasableSyntaxOnly` in the TypeScript compiler — in my curmudgeonly luddite brain this has *finally* elevated TypeScript as-a-project beyond a minimal tier of long-term stability in the JS ecosystem. Glad to see it make it over the hump.