Switching from Arch to NixOS
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Most well-known living philosophies -such as Cynicism, Epicureanism, Stoicism, Buddhism, and Sufism- advocate some form of Asceticism. This could involve various acts such as fasting, deliberately confronting personal fears, or even something as subtle as choosing not to pour salt on food. But regardless of the specific way that these practices...
When you interact with a text file using an editor, what you see doesn’t necessarily reflect the data stored in the file. Sure, the contents of plain text files are byte codes encoded in formats like ASCII, UTF8, or UTF16, and these byte codes are the ultimate source of truth. But in the end, it’s still your text editor that chooses how to...
When we encounter new information that conflicts with our current beliefs, we typically follow one of the preceding options: Ignore the new information. Place it into your existing belief system, regardless of whether it is consistent with your other beliefs. Create an ad hoc explanation to keep our beliefs intact. Adjust or revise our existing...
Up until now, I was not aware that concurrency and parallelism were actually different things since they are often used interchangeably by some. I just learned that this is not the case while reading Chapter 9 of the book “Clojure for the Brave and True.” This made me want to learn more about concepts related to concurrency and parallelism,...
In this essay, I share some tips that I’ve found particularly beneficial for my own debugging experience. Hope it helps the reader as well. If you have any cool tips you’d also like to share, feel free to share them. I might include them in the essay and give you credit for it. Writing Logs to STDERR I’ve noticed that developers, myself included,...