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More from Terence Eden’s Blog
I'm just back from my first ever FOSDEM - a megaconference dedicated to Free and Open Source technology and culture. It was epic. I'm still ruminating on the experience, but here are my first impressions of what did and didn't work. The Good Bits Really, it is a dozen conferences squeezed into one. Over a thousand talks, on a seemingly...
The UK is going through one of its periodic lamentations that "Things Are Changing And No One Asked Me". This time, it is over the loss of the humble British pub. It seems every year there's another story about how pubs are vanishing. Cue the wailing and gnashing of teeth as the Fabric Of Society™ is rent asunder. To which I say "Good riddance....
This is not a ‘resistance’ book. It is not a guide to activism. It is not a reflection on ‘how democracies die’ or how authoritarianism is on the horizon. It is an exploration of how, without questioning the very context in which resistance takes place, it is futile. This book is more about its subtitle than its title. It doesn't really provide...
About ⅔rds of the way through reading Janice Hallett's debut novel, The Appeal, I purchased her next book - The Twyford Code. The schtick is similar to the first. We, the reader, are taken through an epistolary series of audio files - voice notes from a recently released convict. There's intrigue, murder, regret, and redemption. The story isn't...
I rather enjoyed HMRC (Her Majesty's Royal Coven) and The Shadow Cabinet by Juno Dawson. This is a sort-of prequel to the series. What if Anne Boleyn was a witch?!?! It's a fun enough book, but doesn't really go anywhere. Part of the problem is that the stories chapters flip back and forth in time. It is a tired literary trick and robs us of the...