Opening any CLI in Emacs

from blog Two-Wrongs, | ↗ original
Quick reference: in a new scratch buffer, Quick reference: in a new scratch buffer, In[1]:In[1]: ((with-current-bufferwith-current-buffer (current-buffer) (make-comint-in-buffer (current-buffer) (make-comint-in-buffer "perl""perl" (current-buffer) (current-buffer) "perl""perl" nil nil "-de""-de" "0""0")) )) That’s it! That’s it! Some Some clicli​s are not built on readline, and they are a pain to use. There’s no support for editing the input, and every keypress inserts characters –...​s are not built on readline, and they are a pain to use. There’s no support for editing the input, and every keypress inserts characters –...