40 questions to ask yourself every decade
More from Steph Ango
Companies break promises all the time. A self-guaranteeing promise does not require you to trust anyone. You can verify a self-guaranteeing promise yourself. File over app is a self-guaranteeing promise. If files are in your control, in an open format, you can use those files in another app at any time. Not an export. The exact same files. It’s...
Our bias is to always add more. More rules, more procedures, more code, more features, more stuff. Interdependencies proliferate, and gradually strangle us. Systems want to grow and grow, but without pruning, they collapse. Slowly, then spectacularly. When a piece of trash drifts across the beach, it is our duty to pick it up so the next person...
Bees collect nectar to make honey. Beekeepers collect honey to make money. Honey helps bees survive winter chills. Money helps beekeepers pay the bills. Beekeepers leave enough honey in the hive for the bees to survive. Beekeeper-keepers leave enough money in the bank for beekeepers to survive. Bees do not think about beekeepers. Beekeepers do...
Love is magic, it defies explanation. To the most rational and logical among us, this may be confusing. Its elusiveness is its significance. Love isn’t an illusion to be broken, but a miracle to bask in. Not everything needs to be understood, to be appreciated. You are the audience, and the magician. Love is an idea. A moment of love can be...
The edge of a sheet of paper slices through the tip of your finger and blood begins to flow from the wound. This injury, as small as it may be, must be repaired. Blood cells rush to the site, clotting, scabbing, healing. You never asked for it, but a few days later your finger is as good as new. It has been said that humans are passengers on...