Dotbot Is Really Nice
More from Elise Shaffer
There's a lot of testing tools for Ruby on Rails. Ruby started life with a strong testing culture. The ecosystem is brimming with tools. But not all of those tools spark joy. I love a lot of them. I've written about my nostalgia for Cucumber. But one tool that always make me feel weird is Shoulda matchers.
I am a pretty outspoken Test Driven Development advocate. I've recently appeared on a few podcasts talking about how I love TDD and why I think it's the best way to write software. Test driven development advocates not only believe that automated software testing is necessary, they believe that the best way to develop software is to start with...
There's a quote that's been nagging at me for the last month. I recently watched a talk from Allen Holub. In it he says, "You can't be agile when you're fighting your code." That line has been stuck on repeat inside my brain ever since.
I've done a lot in my career. From working on business support software to big backend systems and even robotics. If there's been a consistent through-line to my career, it's the Ruby programming language.
Last week, I deployed a complete redesign of my personal website. I wrote briefly about the design decisions and iterations that went into the redesign. But, I also wanted to talk about the technical decisions of this redesign.