I'm not crazy about liking Android TV, here's why (members post)
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The Tico Times: El Salvador Abandons Bitcoin as Legal Tender After Failed ExperimentBitcoin was never used by most Salvadorans, its modern city was never built, and now it will cease to be legal tender in El Salvador, the first country in the world to adopt it in 2021: a
Federico Viticci for MacStories: The Many Purposes of Timeline Apps for the Open WebBut: the beauty of the open web and the approach embraced by Tapestry and Reeder is that there are plenty of potential use cases to satisfy everyone. Crucially, this includes people who are not like me.
I know it's a bit of cliché, but count me in the group of white men who 2021's Inside really connected with me in a huge way. Anyway, now All Eyes on Me is going to be stuck in my head for the next month.
Quick Reviews is currently available on the App Store and is a free download. Check it out!I recently wrote about how the app works, so I’ll let you read that to see how it works. I have finalized my monetization, so I did want to lay that
If you enjoy your Vision Pro, don't let this post imply that i think you're wrong to enjoy it. This is a personal blog with my personal experiences, not some neutral outlet trying to assign an objective score to each product. It’s been one