Hejevent.se - New website for finding events (in Swedish)
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I’ve launched a new website called Where to Stay. It provides neighbourhood guides for large cities and other travel destinations worldwide. I’ve wanted this service to exist for many, many years — and now it does! To see it in action, you can check out the guides on Where to stay in Stockholm, Tokyo, Athens, Barcelona, Tbilisi, Berlin,...
Last year, I spent a significant portion of my spare time developing Heynote — a scratch pad app specifically designed for developers. I announced Heynote on Hacker News just before Christmas. It was built primarily for my own use-case, but it seems to have struck a nerve because it got 1000+ upvotes, and in general, the feedback has been...
I’ve been using VSCode with the Customize UI extension to hide the title bar and save screen space. However, a Microsoft update a year ago broke this extension, leading me to stay on an older VSCode version without updates. Recently, I found a solution that allows me to update VSCode while keeping a clean UI. I switched to Apc Customize UI++ ...
Many articles around the web say that you should never use the CSS property text-align: justify. The main criticism is that so-called whitespace rivers reduces readability. Toggle text justification for this post #text-justification-toggle { border: none; background: #3581ac; color: #fff; font-weight:...
Have you ever though about building an iOS app? I did, but I now wish that I hadn’t. Like many others, I read about Wordle at the end of December last year. Being a word game enthusiast, I found the idea of making the old game show Lingo into a single-player puzzle game brilliant. I enjoyed solving the daily word for a couple of days straight,...