Good software development habits
More from Zarar's blog
Note: This one has an HN thread. I lost a Stripe dispute of USD $210 because the customer that purchased tickets from my site used an email that he claimed to his bank was not his. Stripe and the bank asked me to provide evidence that this wasn't fraudulent and I sent them: The invoice sent to the email the customer entered The actual tickets...
American people don’t seem to see what’s right in front of them. In this short post I’ll tackle one glaring phenomenon that gets zero air time from any of the Western media, be it the traditional propagandists like CNN, Fox and MSNBC to the more progressive style of outlets. It is this: the continuous wealth transfer that is happening from the...
Raptors Republic was acquired by Better Collective last week marking an end to my involvement with the company I founded in 2008 alongside Sam Holako, Brandon Larabie, Scott Phillips (rest in peace) and Josh Budd. The decision to sell the company was a culmination of a few things: Our expenses (primarily salary) were too high and we simply didn't...
I've been using Flop for pagination in my Elixir app and learned that anytime a DISTINCT clause is used in Ecto when using Postgres, the columns in the clause are prepended to any ORDER BY clauses in the query. This was causing a lot of problems for Flop since it uses specific columns for cursor-based pagination and doing a DISTINCT
I followed the announcement of which is embracing what I think of as the idea of a "complete stack", a singular project for all your data services, iOS/Android apps, and web. It's an ambitious project which uses Tamagui for styling and for data retrieval and caching. This is the first time I'm introduced to an idea like...