What is Matt actually saying?
More from daveverse
In all the talk about Matt Mullenweg, I’ve heard the same things said about IBM, Apple, Microsoft, Aldus, Quark, Netscape, Microsoft again, Google, Sun, Oracle, I’ve even said them myself. And with Frontier, blogging, rss, opml, podcasting, I heard the same said about me. The friction between platform vendors and developers is a constant, it’s...
Krugman is in his heart a blogger, and we're glad to get him back. I had a similar experience a long time ago when I was hired by a popular magazine to write a column. I had a great editor, June Cohen, who helped make my writing more effective, more me, easier to understand. Then […]
It took me a few times watching the first few episodes to get it to "stick." I had the same experience with Game of Thrones. Both shows cram a lot of scenes and characters and events into the beginning. And so your gears get stripped. But The Expanse, like GoT, rewards you with rich characters […]
If it stopped after two seasons it would be among my top programs, but the last couple of seasons lost the plot and the characters stopped making sense.
so this time we're sending a token along with the saved stuff.