Herein lies a very nerdy coffee-related confession. 5 years ago, I bought a Sage/Breville Barista Express. It was a lockdown present to myself having become obsessed with making better coffee...
I recently started reading a book called The ADHD Advantage by Dr Anders Hansen. I’ve not finished it yet, but the first chapter does include an extremely helpful description of what...
This post is part of a series called I Finished A Book, in which I write about a book I’ve read recently. I don’t finish every book I start, so...
I’ve just moved my blog from Ghost to Pika. I have no problem with Ghost; I think it’s an amazing platform with a great philosophy, and it’s taking the web in...
This question is surprisingly charged, and your response often places you in a specific camp. Either you’re a manager who wants your team in the office, or you’re an “individual...
A letter has been sent to the Chair of the Commons’ Modernisation Committee - who also happens to be Leader of the House - to call for the introduction of...
This post is the first in a series called I Finished A Book, in which I write about a book I’ve read recently. I don’t finish every book I start,...